Our Vision
Integral to our vision is a close working partnership between parents and staff, a safe and well-maintained working environment and a well balanced and challenging curriculum.
Our vision at Panton Hill Primary is to develop curious, lifelong learners with strong skills across all areas of the curriculum. We have a cohesive and supportive staff who work together, using a holistic approach, to provide a nurturing and stimulating learnign environment for all children.
Panton Hill Primary School has a dedicated Out of School Hours Care facility and access to a community hall, tennis courts, football oval, church, Memorial Park, library bus and adjacent kindergarten. We have a playgroup that operates every Monday morning in the music room.
Our School Values
Our School values are reinforced daily and form part of our well being program. Students demonstrating these values are celebrated weekly at Monday morning assembly. These values are respect, co-operation, courage, kindness and honesty.
Office Hours
Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm
- Principal Kylie Richards
- Business Manager Leanne Cleary
- Prep Stephanie Brindley
- Prep Amie Grisold
- Grade 1/2 Merron Thomson
- Grade 1/2 Justine Puls-Welsh
- Grade 3/4 Briony Kane
- Grade 4/5 Zoe Payne
- Grade 5/6 Stafford Hurst
- Music/STEM/Phys Ed Natika Jenes
- Art Anne Howard
- Library Kylie Richards
- Italian Maree McLaughlin
- Tutor Rose Draffin
- Teacher Aide Kirsten Renouf
- Out of Hours School Care Ella Moxon, TheirCare
- Maintenance Glenys Schubert