Information & Communication Technology
At Panton Hill Primary we believe that ICT exists as one of a number of technologies to enhance learning. Our staff has worked hard to develop a curriculum plan which places the teaching of ICT at the point of need, within the broader learning context. One goal of integrating ICT is to make it seamless: students use ICT if and when appropriate to support their learning. The Victorian curriculum has ICT embedded throughout its content.
Our student’s exposure to different technologies brings with it a world of opportunity: global communication with others and access to timely and relevant information sources. Of course, this also presents issues surrounding these opportunities – appropriate use, safety, relevance, amongst others. Our students, more than ever before need to develop an understanding of the risks and strategies to keep themselves safe. Together with parents we have a collective responsibility to ensure our students have the skills to be safe and smart when working online. We are very proud to have been accredited as an eSmart school through the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, in recognition of our sustained commitment to cybersafety.
We aim to provide our students with a rich, connected learning environment that will give them a competitive edge in their schooling, in the workforce and in their lives as 21st century citizens.
At Panton Hill all classes have access to:
- A class set of laptops
- Interactive whiteboards/televisions in every classroom
These resources are used to enhance student learning and creativity in all areas of the curriculum.