Parents are welcomed into school life, both within and outside the classroom, participating in many curriculum, social and fundraising events. The active and committed school council provides governance to management and policy processes.
Sunsmart Policy
We are a sunsmart school and as such we feel that it is important for our students to implement sun protection measures whenever UV levels reach 3 and above (typically from mid-August to the end of April).
A whole school assembly is held each Monday morning at 9.00am. Parents are welcome to attend and participate in the singing of the National Anthem, student awards and general announcements. Assemblies are usually held on the basketball court, except when inclement weather or special occasions dictate that we move inside.
Monday assemblies are followed by Shared Reading where parents are invited into the classroom to read with the children. At the end of each term we end with a special assembly, usually about twenty minutes from the end of the school day.
Children should arrive at school for a 9:00am start. Should your child be away from school we require an absence form (available from the office) to be completed or a phone call to the office at 9719 7202 explaining the absence or a notification via the school app.
Panton Hill Primary School has compulsory School Uniform. The uniform coordinators (parent volunteers) organise the purchase of uniforms each term.
Uniform Order Forms are also available at the office.
A healthy lunch order service from the Smiths Gully General Store is offered each day at the school. Ordering for lunch orders in online. The order will be prepared and delivered to the school in time for lunch. The lunch menu can be found here
Lost Property
From time to time children lose some items of clothing. If items of clothing are named then finding the owners is an easy task. Please ensure all of your child’s clothing is named to avoid any losses. Lost property is kept in the First Aid Room.
Any unclaimed clothing at the end of the term is displayed for students to check. If it is not claimed then it is washed and added to the second hand uniform stocks or given to a charitable organisation.
Other general information can be found in the PHPS Information Book 2023